Elias Tannous, 2016
The aim of this M.A. thesis is to compare the doctrine of baptism in the Catholic church and in Evangelical churches, and it is composed of six chapters. Following the introduction, the first chapter is a study of the main baptismal New Testament texts. In this chapter varying interpretations of these texts are studied through the presentation and discussion of the opinions of Evangelical and Catholic interpreters. The second chapter presents Christian baptismal texts, from the first and until the fifth century, and from different churches in Rome, North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Persia, that is from eastern and western Christianity. These previous chapters form the historical and theological basis for the comparison of the doctrine of baptism between the Catholic Church and Evangelical churches. Chapters three and four present three different Evangelical views on baptism and the Catholic doctrine of baptism, respectively. Chapter five, consequently, compares the Catholic doctrine of baptism with Evangelical doctrines of baptism, showing the historical roots and the milieu wherefrom these doctrines had developed. The sixth suggests some applications of the conclusions of this thesis concerning the unity of Christians and their relationship with the world.
The epilogue is an invitation for Evangelical and Catholic believers for a continuing dialogue and rapprochement through the contemplation of the mystery of baptism.
The Thesis’ text is in Arabic.
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